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- Heres a nice extension thats easy to use, everything you need to know is
- in the following doc file. If you use it a lot or just like it don`t
- forget it`s shareware........Steve
- ============================================================================
- This file is freely distributable in its original archive, provided no profit is involved.
- It may not be distributed on a cover disk.
- The archive should contain the following files:-
- stars.doc (this)
- stars.lib
- starspro.lib
- stars.lib.info
- starspro.lib.info
- Seperate distribution of these files is forbidden.
- All files are copyright 1993 J.G.Doig, and may not be modified in any way, without
- prior written consent.
- AMOS Stars Extension V2.23b. **SHAREWARE VERSION**
- By Jason G Doig
- Introduction.
- Stars is an Amos (and AmosPro) system extension, that provides many new
- commands to the Amos instruction set.
- Installation.
- My apologies for the lack of an installation script, this is being written very late the
- night before I leave for a short holiday, and I simply do not have time right now.
- To install the Extension, load workbench and find the relevant file:-
- 'stars.lib' for Amos 1.3
- 'starspro.lib' for AmosPro
- You will then need to copy this to the relevant system drawer, either "amos_system"
- or "ap_system". Now boot up Amos, and use the configuration program supplied
- with Amos to set the loaded extensions.
- Type the path of the of the stars library into location #20. To see what the necessary
- file path is, simply look at the early positions in the extenrion list, as the standard
- system extensions are in the same place as you have just put stars.lib.
- Now reboot Amos.
- Please work with a copy of your normal boot disk, as if you give an incorrect path,
- then Amos may refuse to boot.
- Please mail me if you have any problems.
- Commands
- The commands are as follows:-
- Does a fancy fade effect on the current screen.
- Does the same as WAIt VBL, but shows idle processor time.
- The following are the actual starfield commands. These plot stars, under interrupt
- onto a given screen. Please note that these plot not in a specific colour, but straight
- onto the last bitplane of a screen, so please try to keep this clear or it will get
- corrupted. The easiest way to put stars on a screen is to have one plane more than
- you actually use. So use a 32 colour screen to display a 16 colour logo. Then copy
- the first half of the palette to the second. Change the respective upper colour where
- you want stars to show through. e.g. Change Colour, to show through colour 0 on
- our example above.
- STARS ON screen,direction,number
- Displays [number] stars, traveling in a specific direction, on screen [screen]
- Only one screen can have stars at one time.
- The maximum number of stars is 128
- The directions are:-
- 0 Left
- 1 Right
- 2 Up
- 3 Down
- 4 Stationary
- Switches off the stars and removes them.
- STARS DIR direction
- Changes the direction of the current starfield
- The next few commands complement the built in COP commands. See the manual
- for details.
- COP PALETTE a TO b,address
- Reads 12bit colours from memory, and builds o copper list to put these colours in
- palette registers a to b. a and b can be in the range 0-255, but a < b.
- A colour takes up one word.
- COP TRUE PALETTE a TO b,address
- This is the same as above, but takes colour in the form Red Byte, Green Byte, Blue
- Byte, ie. 24bit.
- A colour therefore takes 3 bytes.
- Returns the address the copper list is currently being built at. This makes poking
- straight into it easier.
- Look out for my friend Gary's forthcoming game, which uses these and the extra
- commands found in the full version of stars.
- The extra commands include:-
- COP SCREEN, which sets up a copperlist for a whole screen (in an AGA mode if
- you want!)
- STARS RAIN, which builds multiple 24bit Rainbows.
- register now for these and more!
- All stars commands will also work on non-aga machines (or have equivalents which
- do the same job).
- j
- 5
- 22
- To register your copy send £10 to:-
- Jason G Doig
- 20 Queens Crescent
- Kinghorn
- Fife
- KY3 9RG
- Please feel free to contact me with comments, suggestions or bug reports.
- I can also be contacted term time, by E-Mail : JasonD@uk.ac.hw.cee
- Upgrades will be sent out to registered users only. (although feel free to ask for
- more details on the current version before you register - unregistered users should
- send an SAE).
- Please note that the AmosPro extension requires AmosPro V1.1, due to a bug in
- Amos. The updater should be available where you obtained this archive.